Tuesday 27 April 2010

The Force- flash fiction

The Force

After the presentation on child sex slavery and ritual sacrifice - it was time for tea and biscuits. Jason chose a pink wafer as his mind reeled with the abducted six year old, her eyes...No. Move on from these things.

The other delegates at the “New Religious Movements” gathering clustered amicably, this was reassuringly familiar territory.

Whatever next? Adrift, Jason turned left, where stood the tweed jacketed lecturer from the University of Dumfries. His presentation had been excellent. His quiet, compassionate brogue had delivered balanced conclusions and avoided sensationalism.

“Hello, do you have a faith? Jason's question, in other contexts unnerving, was here a valid opener. “Jedi”. Was he serious? A moment of incomprehension, before he saw the lightsaber flash in the lecturer's eye.

“Your presentation was a tour de the force, if that's the expression”.


The lecturer proffered his warm, dry grip.

At that moment a middle aged lady flapped over, shawl spreading purple tentacles as she went for the lecturer's hand, peppering him with praise. Doris ran an anti-cult group that rescued people from manipulative organizations. “Release” had been investigated several times for coercive deprogramming methods.

“Who do you represent?” She threw at Jason.

Deep breath. “I'm from the Father's House community”.

Doris's eyes swivelled like prison searchlights. “Oooh,” she cooed knowingly, “we've had numerous visits from ex-members of yours.”

Flinching, Jason looked back at the Jedi, but he had already averted his gaze back to the biscuits.